Home Assistant - NEA Sensors and Weather Integration | Barry Loong

Home Assistant - NEA Sensors and Weather Integration

November 2017 - April 2018


Home Assistant is an opensource home automation platform written with Python.

In the course of my university's final year project, I have written an integration to use climate and forecast data provided by the National Environment Agency. It retrieves and processes the data from Data.gov.sg's Environment API and integrates them into Home Assistant.

Aside from displaying the current weather forecasts and meteorological readings, another use case can be an automation which triggers connected smart windows to automatically close when the rainfall sensor increases due to rain.

To enable the integration, the following YAML configuration is entered into Home Assistant's configuration.yaml:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: nea
      - 2-hour-weather-forecast
      - air-temperature
      - pm25
      - psi
      - rainfall
      - relative-humidity
      - uv-index
      - wind-direction
      - wind-speed
  - platform: nea

This was how it looked like back in April 2018:

Old UI

I have finally got around to submitting it as an official integration to the Home Assistant project.


Having refactored the code to support the latest iteration (2021.7) of home assistant, it now looks like this:


Values are automatically selected from the nearest station to the user's defined latitude and longitude coordinates. Values for each sensor entity are refreshed in real-time according to the API's update intervals.

Sensor history and attributes

Forecasts are displayed in a 5-day period, complete with high and low temperature ranges.

Weather forecast and current readings

Weather card settings